I’ve Been Nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award!

First off, I’d like to give a merci beaucoup to Deborah Bowman (http://bowmanauthor.com/) for the nomination and her encouragement. Please go check out her blog, buy some books. Writers, she also offers an editing service.


Now back to ze nomination.

Me? The woman-child who writes poems about farts, squirrels, abuse, and even romance? Yes! Please feed my withering ego! I have been tete-a-tete with my Muse lately, she’s become “one of those Muses”. You know the type: sleeps in, smokes too much shisha, leaves beer bottles everywhere. Then when she’s about to get fired, she turns up with cupcakes for the entire brain office and pulls a 12 hr shift before passing out.

So, this has been quite a pick me up. Anyway, per award criteria, I am to tell you 7 facts about myself.

  1. I am 31 chronologically? biologically? and mentally 12.
  2. I grew up Southern Baptist, but currently I am a Hedge Rider/Kitchen Witch.
  3. I geek out over Doctor Who, Tom Baker is my Doctor.
  4. Sherwood Anderson is my current literary crush, followed by William Blake.
  5. I love to garden.
  6. I struggle with SAD and general anxiety.
  7. I still don’t know how to tag people in posts.

And now, I’d like to share a few of my favorite bloggers:

  1. Jake Robert Knight over at “The Knight Life”.: http://jakerobertknight.com/
  2. Laine Anne Theodore, I adore her poetry. : http://frommidnighttodawnlight.com/
  3. Frédéric G. Martin, who writes beautiful poetry and prose in English and French:  https://poemsandpoemes.wordpress.com/
  4. Ryan Lanz. who can write just about anything: http://ryanlanz.com/
  5. Daniel Park at theodditywriter.wordpress.com

Go check them out and leave some love on their work.

If you’ve been nominated and want to participate in the VBA’s, here’s what you do:

  1. Display The Versatile Blogger Award image on your site.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their site.
  3. List 7 facts about yourself that are not generally known.
  4. You can make up to 15 nominations for this award. Be sure to include the links to their sites and notify them of the nomination.